
Cherry Handpies

A cherry pie routinely sat atop the counter that was created by the dishwasher.   The kitchen appliance that appeared in my grandparent’s kitchen one random year because someone somewhere thought it necessary that two aging folks needed a dishwasher after 70 some years of living without one. It wasn’t the sort that is stationary and…

Roasted Sausage and Grapes

Sausage and grapes…nothing new.  A simple Google search will get you hundreds if not thousands of results with varying recipes all of which pretty much say the exact same thing;  brown the sausage and then add the grapes, pop them in a hot oven together to finish cooking.  Or leave them on the stove to…

Pumpkin Streusel Muffins

HEEELLLLOOOOOO!  Is there anyone out there still reading blogs, let alone this one?  A friend texted me recently asking if it were true, I hadn’t blogged since May?  Had she missed an update, was there a new web address, had I fallen off the edge of the earth, had I moved to Mars? No, no,…

Strawberry Scones

Biscuits and pies and scones have been flying out of my mom’s kitchen these past few weekends.  I am bound and determined to get these recipes etched in my brain so that I will not need to reference the paper copy. This will save me many hours of searching and digging for saved and clipped…

Citrus Almond Pound Cake

I have had the fixings for this cake for nearly 2 weeks.  Which means it has probably been 3+.  Always add more time when discussing the passage of time…and me.  Much like when doctors ask you about alcohol and/or caffeine consumption.  They double whatever you say.  Because we lie.  Or miscalculate.  Or misjudge.  Did you know…

Sourdough Bread

I am here to beg of you to begin a life long journey with a sourdough starter or at least try a summer romance.  Try it on for size and if you feel that you aren’t made for one another – it’s me not you sort of deal – then you can end the relationship…

Chocolate Pudding

If there ever was a time to splurge on an expensive bar or two of chocolate, now would be that time… We restrict these luxurious bars to gifts, special occasions, and Tuesdays because Tuesdays by my general rule of thumb have a tendency to suck.  I know we can’t always splurge on expensive bars of…

Coconut Chocolate Pecan Bars

When you are shopping for the ingredients necessary for this recipe – which if I had to guess ( based on what was in my grocery cart) you will only need to gather a bit of unsweentened coconut flakes and more butter – you should probably also grab a roll of TUMS.   I am not saying…

Egg in a Hole Bacon and Cheese Sandwich

Tina Turner’s voice is singing ‘big wheel keep on turnin’.  These words my mantra since I made the decision.  I have determined to either go left or right rather than continuing to stand in the middle of an intersection.   I have been working on a lengthy  pros and cons list, imagining what life is like down…


Christmas is t minus NOT ENOUGH DAYS. The adult in me ( no matter how small an influence she has on my day to day) is pleading the universe for a few extra hours, days, minutes…whatever it can spare.  I have procrastinated the past few weeks away with watching and re-watching Christmas episodes of ER…


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